PRE Smart
The innovative Slip Ring PRE Smart is the result of an in-depth analysis and a detailed engineering, in order to satisfy the needs of the users. Manufactured with an innovative design, one of the main peculiarities of the new Ravioli PRE Smart is the possibility to open a section of the external case, in order to monitor the perfect conditions inside the Slip Ring. Thanks to this unique detail, maintenance time and costs can be reduced, providing significant advantages to the consumer.
Born from the careful and constant auditing of our customers’ requests, thanks to its high versatility, its personalisation of the execution, its interchangeability with our Slip Ring PRP and to the new possibility to open the external case, PRE Smart is the perfect execution to satisfy the specific needs of each user and to fit all the applications requiring reduced dimensions of the device, by preserving the high mechanical resistance and the high protection degree.
Provided with a free internal hole, which allows the passage of tubes for liquids, shafts or wires, PRE Smart is available in modular executions from 20A, 30A or 50A, as well as in mixed executions with up to 50A for signal combined versions.
Upon requests, it can also be customised with more radial or axial cable entries, signal executions with silver-graphite brushes and “Long Life” versions.
“Long Life” executions
specific for ongoing services
Opening of lateral section of the case
for an easier maintenance
Reduced dimension in terms of high
to perfectly fit each application
Free internal hole
for the passage of tubes for liquids, shafts or wires
Brushes 20/30/50A
up to 50A and for signals combined versions
Ravioli Slip Ring Type PRP is realised with a protective insulating housing made of a high mechanical resistant thermoplastic material. One of its outstanding features is the internal hole D42mm which is totally free and allows the passage of tubes for liquids, shafts or metallic wires.
Blade or copper-graphite or silver-graphite brushes for signals are available, executions range from 4 to 36 rings 20/30/50 A.
Ravioli Slip Ring Type PRP combines safety, reliability and versatility to a highly competitive cost.
Modular version
Thanks to the sections they are made of
Free internal hole
That allows the passage of tubes for liquids, shafts or wires
Brushes 20/30/50 A
Up to 50A and for signals
combined versionsInternal terminal box
for the connection of rings
Ravioli Slip Ring Type PRS is realised with a metallic bottom and an aluminium cover both characterised by a strong mechanical resistance and high protection degree.
Blade or copper-graphite or silver-graphite brushes for signals are available, executions range from 4 to 14 rings 20/30/50 A, protection degree IP55.
This Slip Ring is specifically suitable for outdoor applications characterised by a limited numbers of passages.
Aluminium housing
Protection degree IP55
Brushes 20/30/50 A
and for signals
Ravioli Slip Ring Type PRG – provided without housing – is available in a large number of different versions and executions from 90mm to 350mm diameter. This specific feature allows the users to avail themselves of a wide internal passage combined with a nominal voltage which goes from a few tens to some hundreds Amperes.
Blade or copper-graphite or silver-graphite brushes for signals are available, executions range from 4 to 36 rings 20/30/50/80/120/200 A.
This Ravioli Slip Ring PRG is specifically suitable for applications that requires high voltages and optional central passages for tubes, wires or metallic shafts.