Ravioli Slip Rings Type EXD are Atex approved for Zone 21 and 22, and they are suitable for potentially explosive dusted areas. They are manufactured with an aluminium housing which ensures high mechanical resistance and rotation degree IP65.
Numerous executions available in single composition 7A,16A or 34A; mixed executions available with combination of rings 4A, 7A, 16A, 34A.
The new range is extremely wide and suitable to provide various solutions to the market’s needs.
Rings and brushes are wired with a 2m long cable.
Atex Certification
For dusted areas Zone 21 and 22
Wide range available
Mixed versions 4A, 7A, 16A, 34A and single version 7A, 16A, 34A
High protection
protection Degree IP65
Rings and brushes wired with 2m long cable
Optional accessories available
Rings and brushes for signals,
Anti-condensation heater